Can't believe sey de fastes man inna de worl Usain Bolt change im residence odder day courtesy of Digicel. Dem move im outta de ole Karachi neighbahood to a big splashy home mi hear - in an undisclosed location; an de house has been rented fe de athlete fe one whole year..
So whaapen Digicel? Oonnu couldn't did put im in a ‘buy house’? How Oonno only rent de place fe one year?
Im can't get any higher dan de pinncle whey im reach; and de games comes only every 4 years…
Now come on Digi…
To keep Usain safe an soun, de guvament of Jamaica committed to providin two policemen fe im protection fe life.
On a sweeter note mi hear say Mr ‘To De Worl’ hav a long list of ‘cattyzzzzz’ runnin im down; an every gal inna Jamaica wan fe gi im piece of the ‘catty’.
So member mi tell you put some rubber pon the third an fastes leg yaw Usain; becaw four pon one is murda.
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