5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 100 stab, 1000 juck, 100 stab, 1000 juck, yea! The ‘daggering’ phenomenon has gripped the dancehall with its delicious thighs. And now, sexually suggestive songs, hard-bodied girls with few inhibitions and triphammer beats have transformed the dancehall into a delicious orgy of gyrating bodies performing outrageously mind-bending moves.
It’s good to dagger in these times.
It is now a case of all things dagger as the dance/slang has now become a bit of a pop cultural phenomenon, spawning consumer products with similar names, new dances and even alcohol-fuelled dancehall events. There are at least 12 Daggering events across the Corporate Area, and at least three dancehall events that are well-known in the rural areas. There are at least five Daggering Thursdays alone in areas such as Gregory Park, Old Braeton, Drewsland, Mobay and White Hall. There is a Daggering Sunday rave that moves from Rema and Fourth Street, then to Second Street, then to Jones Town. There is also a Bragga Fridays in Rema.
Vybz Kartel and his business partner Corey Todd have registered the Daggering name for use on a line of condoms. And there are rumours that someone is planning to conceptualise an energy drink with the same name.
There is a SkyDaggering rhythm and several artistes have recorded daggering songs, the most popular ones being voiced by RDX, Bragga Dat, Vybz Kartel and Aidonia. Even former Rising Stars winners One Third now have a daggering single!
“Ah we govern the daggering thing, our song Daggering ah one of the most popular songs in the daggering segment in any dance. RDX is equal to daggering,” Delomar X joked.
But can you define daggering?
“Daggering is an acrobatic, active gyration, it is not at one speed, people normally associate sex and violence especially with a name like dagger but although the terminology is hardcore, it is just a part of the dance. It is a world culture, with not intention to hurt, and at times it can be aggressive,” Renegade of RDX explained.
Aggressive may be a bit of an understatement given the different permutations of daggering that have evolved over the last two months. Although daggering is essential a one male-one female equations, sometimes dancers get creative and you have offshoots like Sky Daggering, where a woman is held and splayed out by three or more dancers and then another male dancer leaps on her making impact in midair.
“You also have Fly Daggering where the girls dem run come and fly through the air and chuck on pon a man. Mi see people jump offa housetop and a dagger in the trees. One time I saw a man trying to sky dagger a girl and him climb on a wall and jump off and she move, and him drop buduff,” Renegade said, laughing.
As you can well imagine, this leads to all sorts of interesting injuries: bruised skin, swollen testes, fractured hips, throbbing groins, and damaged breasts. When the music is pounding out the speakers, hearts and groins are forced to work overtime as daggering season holds sway and alcohol-hazed danger abandon the laws of physics and believe almost anything is possible.
However, checks with a gynaecologist and urologist in Montego Bay however showed that daggering is far more safe than the Dutty Wine.
“Daggering is the modern-day version of rent-a-tile, and I haven’t been seeing any injuries related to this, a fractured penis would not come from this sort of activity because once the penis is enclosed in briefs or boxers, it is safe because it has to be thrust against an object and meet resistance for it to be fractured like that,” Dr. Wedderburn of the Montego Bay Urology Centre said.
A gynaecologist said that he would be sure to give us a call if he encountered any ‘daggering-related’ injuries. Many experts welcome the popularity of daggering as it has resurrected male-female dancing in the dancehall.
“At first, you used to have the man segment, then the woman segment, now you have both at the same time with daggering. Daggering really take over from sordering, it get the man and the woman together dancing and it mek everything nice because the men are no longer hogging the video light,” Renegade of RDX said.
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