tisdag 26 augusti 2008

Nigger or Black? Whats the difference?


1. Naggers: Acting in a lazy and irresponsible manner.
2. Niggerlipping: wetting the end of a cigarette while smoking it.
3. Niggerlover: Derogatory term aimed at Whites lacking in the necessary loathing of Blacks.
4. Nigger luck: Exceptionally, but undeserved good luck.
5. Nigger-flicker: A small knife or razor with one side heavily taped to preserve the user's fingers.
6. Nigger heaven: Designated places, usually the balcony, where Blacks were forced to sit, for example, in an integrated movie
theater or church.
7. Nigger knocker: Axe handle or weapon made from an axe handle.
8. Nigger rich: Deeply in debt but flamboyant.
9. Nigger shooter: A slingshot.
10.Nigger steak: A slice of liver or a cheap piece of meat.
11.Nigger stick: Police officer's baton.
12.Nigger tip: Leaving a small tip or no tip in a restaurant.
13.Nigger in the woodpile: A concealed motive or unknown factor affecting a situation in an adverse way.
14. Nigger work: Demeaning, menial tasks.

The history of the word nigger is often traced to the Latin word niger, meaning Black. This word became the noun, Negro (Black person) in English, and simply the color Black in Spanish and Portuguese. In early modern French, niger became negre and, later, negress (Black woman) was unmistakably a part of language history. One can compare to negre the derogatory nigger and earlier English substitutes such as negar, neegar, neger, and niggor that developed into its lexico-semantic true version in English. It is probable that nigger is a phonetic spelling of the White Southern mispronunciation of Negro.


lack, evil, darkness, bad luck, crime, mystery, silence, concealment, execution, end, chaos, death.

1. lacking hue and brightness; absorbing light without reflecting any of the rays composing it.
2.a. pertaining or belonging to any of the various populations characterized by dark skin pigmentation, specifically the dark-skinned peoples of Africa, Oceania, and Australia.
b. African-American.
3. soiled or stained with dirt: That shirt was black within an hour.
4. deliberately; harmful; inexcusable: a black lie.
5. boding ill; sullen or hostile; threatening: black words; black looks.
6. without any moral quality or goodness; evil; wicked: His black heart has concocted yet another black deed.
7. indicating censure, disgrace, or liability to punishment: a black mark on one's record.
8. marked by disaster or misfortune: black areas of drought; Black Friday.
9. based on the grotesque, morbid, or unpleasant aspects of life: black comedy; black humor.
10. (of a check mark, flag, etc.) done or written in black to indicate, as on a list, that which is undesirable, sub-standard, potentially dangerous, etc.: Pilots put a black flag next to the ten most dangerous airports.
11. illegal or underground: The black economy pays no taxes.
12. deliberately false or intentionally misleading: black propaganda.

—Synonyms 1. dark, dusky; sooty, inky; swart, swarthy; sable, ebony. 4. dirty, dingy. 5. sad, depressing, somber, doleful, mournful, funereal. 7. disastrous, calamitous. 9. sinful, inhuman, fiendish, devilish, infernal, monstrous; atrocious, horrible; nefarious, treacherous, traitorous, villainous.
—Antonyms 1. white. 4. clean. 5. hopeful, cheerful.
—Usage note 3, 21. Black, colored, and Negro have all been used to describe or name the dark-skinned African peoples or their descendants.

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